Sunday 13 December 2015

The Couple Who Must Hold It - Flight-ful of pee - The Finale!

The flight touched the ground. Kati, the co-captain, and Lexy were seeing stars in broad day light. The landing was a bit rough and for any other normal girl holding even a quarter of what they were holding, it could have been an inevitable accident. But these girls stayed brave and held it in.

Lexy was challenged to prove her mettle. She had to go to the door and open it for the passengers. And be there bidding them adieu till all of them got down safely and the captain ordered the crew to alight the aircraft.

Lexy was scared to her bone but there was still more to come. She was not supposed to move her legs at all or bend forward. Her posture had to be absolutely still and she had to bear a smile on her face al the time. There were 300 odd passengers moving at a snail's pace. And each second dragged on like ages. Lexy was applying so much efforts that she was profusely sweating. Behind her wide smile she was gritting her teeth.

If anyone observed closely they could see her clenching her butt muscles, her thighs and her calves. But she stayed there without moving. There was just one passenger left now - Kati. She was no better than Lexy, nursing a compressed bladder under those tight PVC catsuit and corsets and tortured by the never ending urine production due to the diuretic. But she somehow maintained her composure.

Her costume designer tried to hurl her to move faster when Kati yelled,
"I am walking fast enough. .  You gotta make sure we stop by the ladies. I have some unfinished business to do." Her voice was strained.

Having overheard their quarrel one of the other crew members played a prank. She opened the door of the toilet and pressed the flush button thereby. And all of a sudden Lexy and Kati both were on the ground with their hands shoved in their crotches.

Just as they were giggling at it the co-captain came out. And to everyone's surprise she looked absolutely fine as if she had just emptied her bladder. Though clearly that was not the case. The waist band of her tiny skirt was stretched to its limits and she looked pregnant. There was dead silence in the cabin.

"Hey! You said she was twisted like a preztel and bursting ?" A crew girl whispered.

"I  swear she was! Wonder how she is managing to act" Another one replied.

"Mind your tongue! I am NOT bursting, NEVER DID, NEVER WILL unlike you stupid girls who shove their hands into the crotch at the slightest sound of the flush. Learn to hold it like a lady" The co-captain replied sternly.

Kati was awestruck by her fierce determination and was helped by her to get on her feet. Kati was personally escorted her to the ladies room and despite the reluctance of Kati's costume designer she insisted Kati to relieve herself. But Kati stopped her.

"Captain - to me it looks like you need it way more than me?" Despite the co-captain's calm demeanour Kati could read the subtle hints that the co-captain was at her absolute limits.

"True! After more than 2 days of resisting the call of nature any lady would need a relief. Sadly I too want to pee more than anything else in this world. But my professional ethics do not allow me to enjoy such privileges when on duty so I would rather hold it till I get back home - tomorrow." The co-captain replied with strained voice.

"I am mighty impressed Captain." Replied Kati "And to honour you I will not let myself have any relief myself" Saying this they hugged eachother and came out of the ladies room. They were dumbstruck to find that all the crew girls were at the door hoping to hear some big splashing noises from the bowls.

"WHAT? Did you really expect to hear a torrent? We were not in there for a pee. . "Kati yelled at them and left for her show albeit walking much more confidently as she could manage with her ever growing bladder. 

"In your dreams girls, in your dream. . ." The co-captain snarled. "It would be better if you could focus all this energy into holding." 

After the captain left, all the girls rushed inside the ladies to relieve their tired bladders except Lexy.

"Girl, don't try to compete with me. Just go an empty that tiny bladder. I don't want any crew girl wetting in front of the staff."

Lexy had enough of her arrogance.

"I can hold it Ma'am . . .Longer than , you can imagine. And I bet this is going to be your last flight."

. . . . . . .

A day later the media was flooded with news of Kati wetting herself during her performance with a 6 minutes long gusher flooding the dias. And on the other hand, the co-captain despite her loud words failed to get off the plane with dry undies. She tried her best to stem the flow but she left a huge trickle behind as she rushed to the ladies room and upon coming out she was handed over her warning letter.

That left Lexy as the winner. She was on cloud nine having defeated the arrogant co-captain and proving to Ritz that she deserved to be in the tanker league. Her dream of having boobs so big that her shirt would rip off, too came true - thanks to the blessing of the Bladder Fairy because of which her boobs grew tremendously over night with all those gallons of water she was forced to drink on the return flight. But after all that she now absolutely needed to pee - 39 hours was a long time even for her.

"My place or yours?" Ritz whispered in her ears. Lexy started wetting herself in the other sense.

"I will not be able to hold it any more. . .Will wet if I move. . ."

"Don't worry I won't give you time for that. . ." 

Ritz took her in his arms and drove to her place. And began their holding cum sex marathon. . Lexy was in a trance. The pain of holding never felt so good . . .

THE END. . . 

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